Organization and Management



The creation of the IDeTIC was ratified by the Government Council of the Canary Islands in March 2010, after being approved by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) and having received reports with the highest grade by the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva ANEP (Spanish National Agency for Assessment and Foresight) and the Agencia Canaria de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación Universitaria ACECAU (Canarian Agency for the Assessment of the University Quality and Accreditation).  IDeTic was born as a natural evolution of the previous CeTIC (2006-2010) and it keeps the following objectives:

    1. To maintain, and when possible to increase, the research works quality and excellence, by deepening the integration between groups, so that more and more, the groups are formed by teams of researchers from different Divisions. At the same time, the aim is to strengthen and improve the structures of management and the diversification of areas.

    2. To promote its external image with dissemination activities, outreach, training, appearances in press, etc.

    3. To consolidate an internationalization policy, with exchanges for professors and visiting students.

    4. To provide support to the transverse activities of the Divisions with the common infrastructures such as the Workshop, the Hardware (HW) and Software (SW) rooms, the Acoustic room, the Multimedia room and the special laboratories of Clean room and Communications for Aerospace applications (endowed with the first INNPLANTA project of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) that was funded by the MICINN, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and supported by the European Regional Development Fund(ERDF)),which bears the name “Manuel Betancor”.


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The creation of the Institute allowed us to create an official teaching structure which includes a Master’s degree in ICT Solutions for Environment and Welfare, BIMeTIC®; a Ph.D. programme in Cybernetics and Telecommunication, which is conducted in collaboration with the Signals and Communications Department and the Institute of Cybernetics of the ULPGC; and the University Expert Course in Aeronautics and Airport Management (GAAP).







IDeTIC staff

The staff of the Institute, which is composed of 59 people, has remained relatively stable compared to 2011. There is a balance between professor staff of the ULPGC, contractors and grantees. Professors of the ULPGC correspond to 59%, while 27% is hired staff and the remaining 8% correlates with grantees. External collaborators, which are not shown in the graph, have been a total of 13 people in 2012. These collaborators are, in a significant number, national university professors, highlighting the presence of teaching staff of the University of La Laguna and the polytechnic University of Madrid, with which collaborations partnerships are firmly rooted.

The IDeTIC is composed of about 60 people with a distribution as shown in the figure:


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organizacion IDeTIC Staff