Resources of the BIMeTIC

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The IDeTIC has the necessary infrastructure in order to provide the different courses of the Masters. Among these, the teaching laboratories of the DSC and the DIT, research labs of the IDeTIC and classrooms and facilities of the EITE must be highlighted.

The available resources in the education provision of this Masters have been divided into the following categories: classrooms, study rooms, halls, laboratories, virtual campus, libraries, interpretation services and other services. Of these, the laboratories material distribution must be stressed due to the fact that it allows to cover the on-site and virtual needs in the exercises, and the virtual campus that enables non-face interoperability between teachers and students and maintaining confidentiality.

The teaching organization of the proposed Masters involves the realization of practical exercises, so that the need for adequate and properly equipped laboratories constitutes an imperative in these studies. For this purpose are available:

  • 7 laboratories attached to the IDeTIC

  • 11 laboratories attached to the Department of Signals and Communications (DSC)

The Personal Docente e Investigador, PDI (Teaching and Research Staff), responsible for the teaching of the Master’s Degree in ICT Solutions for Welfare and Environment (BIMeTIC), will be formed, mainly, by members of the University Institute for the Technological Development and Innovations in Communications (IDeTIC). This staff has over 15 years of teaching experience in the following areas of knowledge: signals and communications, telematics engineering, English studies and medicine, reaching a total of 52 five-year periods. In specific cases, it may have collaborations with other departments such as the Departamento de Economía y Dirección de Empresa DEDE (Department of Economics and Business Management), responsible for the teaching of socio-economic, business and tourism contents. This would be covered the areas of knowledge of signals and communications, telematics engineering, English studies, medicine and business organization.


More detailed information resources can be found in the VERIFICA of the BIMeTIC found in the Documents section.