Division of Digital Signal Processing (DPDS)


Director: Alonso Hernández, Jesús Bernardino

Web: http://www.gpds.ulpgc.es/



Presentation of the division

The division of Digital Signal Processing (DPDS) at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, belongs to the Centro Tecnológico para la Innovación en Comunicaciones CeTIC (Technological Centre for Innovation in Communications) began its works in 1992 at the newly-created European Telecommunications Standards Institute E.T.S.I of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

It was initiated more than 10 years ago by recent graduated telecommunication engineers of the Telecommunication E.T.S.I of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, after the development and consolidation of the group members. Currently, this group is integrated by three Ph.D. professors of the Signal and Communication department, the Otolaryngology team of the maternity hospital of Gran Canaria, and six researchers between grantees and contractors.


Research areas

Currently the research group focuses on the following research lines:

  • Biometric Identification of People Systems

  • Characterization of audio and video for the evaluation of industrial systems

  • Sensor networks and applications.

  • Support systems for clinical assessment of the voice

  • Automatic detection and characterization of sleep disorders from signals